The God of the Bible – Father, Son & Holy Spirit – loves to communicate with his creation. Hebrews 1 reminds us of this: “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.” Hebrews 1:1-2.

God actively seeks to speak into our lives. One significant way that God speaks to us is through his Word, the Bible. Spending time in the Word helps to deepen our understanding of God’s heart, desire and plan for each of us. The apostle John also refers to Jesus as “the Word,” another reminder that God desperately longs to communicate with us.
Studying the Word can take many forms. You may prefer the weight of a Bible in your hands, or you may find a Bible app or audio recording more accessible. Your time in the Word may be a time of quiet and solitude, or it may be something you share with your family or small group. You may follow a reading plan, access a study guide, take notes in the margins or use a journal. Or none of these things. Lean into the way that God has uniquely created you, and make your time in the Word a personal experience.
Below you will find two possible Bible reading methods. These methods are by no means an exhaustive list of the many ways to read and study the Bible. However, we find them to be a helpful starting point. As you take time to turn to God’s Word, however that may look for you, may it refresh His promises to you, and open the door to hearing and experiencing His voice in new ways.

"Swedish" Style

Adapted from David Helm’s One to One

What shines out to you or gets your attention from this passage? Even if you don’t know why, what word or sentence stands out to you the most from this passage?

What do you find confusing or hard to understand from this passage? If you could ask the author of this book anything about this passage what would it be? If you could ask God anything about this passage what would it be?

How does this passage apply to you? If what this passage says about God is true, what does that mean for you? Is there anything in your life that needs to change based upon this passage (i.e. actions, attitudes, etc.)?

Let your thoughts, reflections and questions from this passage guide you in prayer. As you talk with God, use words or phrases from the passage that are meaningful to you.

"C.O.M.A." Method


is this a letter, a narrative, a poem? Are there any clues about the circumstances in which the passage was written? What has been happening so far, especially in the section just prior to the passage you are reading?


Are there any major sub-sections or breaks? What seems to be the main point? Are there any surprises? What are the key words? Any words or ideas repeated?


How does this passage relate to other passages? What does this teach us about God? How does this passage relate to Jesus? Could we sum up this passage in our own words?


How does this passage challenge (or confirm) my understanding of God, Jesus, myself, and the human condition? How does this passage call on me to change the way I live?

One of the best ways to study the Word is in the company of friends. Consider joining a small group.

Join with other women at Southview to study the Word together.

Connect with men at Southview as you dig deeper into the Word together.

The Southview Resource Centre is a great place to start for supplementary reading and viewing materials.

A streaming library of over 20,000 online studies for personal or small group study.

Join our Adult Christian Education study every Sunday at 9:15 am.