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Study like a Berean

As you browse through various studies and resources, please know that Southview does not necessarily agree with or endorse all that is said or discussed in each book or online course.  We believe it is important for us to be good “Bereans” when it comes to Scripture and to what others may have to say about God.

Being a “Berean” means that we do what the people of Berea did in Acts 17:10-12, which tells us that the people of Berea “received the world with all eagerness, examining the scriptures daily to see if these things were so.”  In a similar way, we too are called to examine the Scriptures to see if what others are teaching is in line with what Scripture teaches us.

Here are some good questions to ask yourself as you read or watch these studies:

  • What is the author or speaker’s background?
  • How does his/her teaching fall in line with what the Bible teaches?
  • Does this resource take into account the entire context of Scripture?
  • Does this resource point us to Jesus?

  • We hope God gives you insight, discernment and joy in your studies!