To lead as many as possible to passionately follow Jesus.

A church is not a physical building, nor an online space – it’s people.

If you’re new here and would like to connect with our Southview family, the resources below are an excellent place to start. Weekly gatherings form and shape us through engagement with patterns of worship and the Word of God.  Upcoming events provide future opportunities for connecting within our community. And our Weekly Viewpoint serves as the all-points bulletin for everything happening at Southview. We encourage you to start here, and if you need further support or would like to speak to a pastor, feel free to contact us directly.

MAY 18 & 19

Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and other followers of Jesus in the Upper Room (Acts 2). This celebration reminds us that each Christ-follower needs the power of the Holy Spirit so that we can do the work of discipleship, and that the Holy Spirit was given to us as promised after Jesus’ ascension. Traditionally, this is a weekend set aside to celebrate Baptism. At Southview, we celebrate by holding services we call “Come and Be Baptized.” All are welcome at these services, and anyone can choose to be baptized during a service! Please be praying for the leading of the Holy Spirit in this as we celebrate together.


at southview church

As a church family, we are in a season of prayer and discernment as we seek new leadership for Southview. We invite you to engage with this process as we prayerfully consider the best process and people to guide us forward. Follow the link below for information and updates as we embark on this journey together.


6:30 PM


9:00 AM, 11:00 AM